Saturday, September 23, 2006

BBB:- The 101 of how a blogger takes advantage of you!

Dear reader, if you have the intention if reading this till the end, be forewarned that I couldn't care any less about feeding your ego than I would to feed any other blogger's. If that disturbs you, find something else to read.

There are some futile questions that if you ask yourself (if you ever do!), the odds that your brain will give you a General Error Message are more than those of giving you a decent answer. One of those questions that pop up occasionally in a genie-of-the-bottle-like fashion is why on earth do people bother and write that much on their blogs? There are endless possibilities that could pass for an answer, or that could be passed for answer if you're in the mood to believe them. Usually, it's "fortune" and its what some bloggers depend on when they write, and hope for heavens that you won't notice the contradiction between the context and the title and header of the blogs, or that the context is a total sham (like a straight middle-easterner starting a gay-right rally, YEAH RIGHT!) or is stolen from somewhere else. You know…some people do blunt things such as writing the "purpose" of their blog as a header, and it's usually irrelevant. Perhaps they just assume that you aren't that smart to notice the contradiction. Or perhaps things like selling you some too-good-to-be-true things, or even copying things. That's the 101 of taking advantage of your ignorance, which makes blogs prosper. You have a brain that can think, otherwise, and you don’t need to be fed an opinion.


When somebody writes about issues that are of common interest, it's almost like borrowing your opinion. Think of a raw piece of clay, borrowed modeled properly and then handed it back to you with lipstick. And you would happily read that, thinking "What a brilliant writer". It doesn't make writers sound good, but it doesn’t make you sound that good either…or does it?

It's just a simple explanation to why sometimes people do agree with this writer, but not another one. Why other people would agree with the other writer and not the first one. It's all about picking the right pond to fish about. It just happens to be your reader-brain really. You could sue for copy-rights if you could only prove that the thought was yours, it's called "Taking advantage of your simpleton of a reader-brain". Perhaps if you could prove that you've thought about that first, you could claim copy rights. Yes I'm giving you a reason to sue one another, to get you busy and keep you from blogging or reading blog that often because you induce so much brain damage, whether you're on the "innocent reader" end or the "evil blogger" end..or even "hanging in the middle" like myself.

I'm not saying that there aren't any really brilliant writers who do bother fish in their own brains for things to say, rather than just falling categorically into a mainstream of their taste for one reason or the other. But in topics like politics, there's a specific bunch of trends and it takes a real genius to come up with something new, and very often even when there's something new, it's already been chewed by somebody else somewhere else before that it isn't new at all, it's just "taking advantage of your reader-ignorance". Yes, it's a widely-made assumption that you’re an ignorant, regardless whether you do blog or not. That accounts for the masses and masses of bloggers who happen to consider themselves the Gods of knowledge. There should be a reserve for original writers because they're "endangered species"…endangered by extinction, that is. And there also should be a reserve for "not-quite-ignorant" readers, who are endangered by pretty much any blogger in sight. (I know what you're thinking. Me too).

Some people actually write for the sake of agreeing comments. It's satisfying to see how many people agree with you, that's the "feeding the ego" process that you're tricked to do for free. Some people write because it helps them get over some things that are taking advantage of your presence to whine and feel heard. I write because some of these things get on my nerves and it feels better to phrase them and throw them at you, and I call that "your problem", specially if you willingly read it then dislike it. You can't deny that I do fish in your brain occasionally!

As I was saying, I occasionally fish in your brain as well, just out of catching up with the trend (That's called ME being STYLISH). While fishing around, here's an inventory of what I found… I've found a nice pair stilettos in some lady's brain, a ton of paperwork in some guy's pond of a brain (I was interested in the first, and tempted to can some termite from the nearest forest for the latter). I also found some great deal of whining, spiteful emptiness and an even greater deal of nonbeing, which did a great job at making my life seem like heaven (There's an occasional advantage to reading!!).But all of that makes it harder for me to throw my bate and catch something better than shoes that will be fashionable again in a decade, family that don't seem to be leaving anytime soon, a life that sucks, paperwork to be done or anything else meaningful. At the best cases, there is a handful of shakers and a load of public-opinion-repeating parrots to pry at. Did I just say parrots? Well, I didn't mean that, I just meant it in terms of how they "repeat" things, never coming up with anything genuine. Add to that my sincere apologies to parrots for that horrible-horrible offense. At least when they do talk, they don't lie.

You, the reader, aren’t usually held in such a high-high regard unless there's a benefit coming from you (Don't ask, some bloggers already know it and some other readers know it too). In that case they politely take advantage of your presumed ignorance and their words are more often decorated to make you feel "RIGHT". Personally, I'm just telling you what I think is going on. That's called "my not-so-humble" opinion. I guess you know that already. But see, in the end it isn't any of my business if somebody is taking advantage of your brain or your bank account or your benevolence (The regular 3-Bs that bloggers take advantage of), because I get the kicks and the laughter just at that. Poor you!

If that bugged you that much, here's a word to comfort you. I also read blogs, leave comments and sympathize / let myself get fooled or whatever. No-no-no, not that I'm too great to be stupid, no-no, I'm the average reader as well (occasionally) AND the writer who does all of these horrible things to you…so we all are on the same boat…eh, sort of.


Anonymous said...

I think this post should have been your first.

Thanks for the tip :D

Shams said...

I am very stupid to actually get your laf and darawan about your points.

but, if i ever understood anything, yes i do find some blogs quite informative, and added with other sources, it gets me informed.

but if you talking about Iraqi blogs, yes, i do a sense of monotony, but probably thats not their fault, it is the reality they live in, and so yeah, the agreeing comments they get, probably from people who live in the same reality.

but what kind of genuineness are you talking about,,,,,,,, a complete solution to Iraq's probelm.........delelah, from where do you get your very high standards, how high do you want everyone to reach???

and what are you on........if you want the bloggers to reach that high, then i expect, your critisms and critiques to be even more detailed, academic with solutions you offer.

It is easy to point our fingers, but is it easy to do what it takes???

and yes, i do agreee, this should have been your first post, i totally think your comments about iraqi rocker were uncalled for and stupid, shinu frog, shinu ba6eekh, i7na kindergarden.
I want to see higher level of your critiques just stick with the bloggers thoughs' processes, and let just make it the political/philosophical blogs.

Anonymous said...

that was such a load of crap. if anything, you've just proved your own point about bloggers.

olivebranch said...

Hey Delilah. For someone who complains about others use of the english language you sure gave it a beating there!@

What were you high or emotional or something when you wrote this???? :P

I couldnt even finish reading it!

olivebranch said...

oh and I agree with Gilgamesh :P

Zappy Corleone said...

Duh? what just happened here?

A. Damluji said...


at last, my (and several other people's) prayers are answered!
a genuine post there!

seriously, found it a bit hard to read (too structured for my liking), u are angry there, sis.. not very good for the arteries. thing i dont agree with, ur not situated right in the middle.. ur more towards the "evil" side..

(evil by ur definition, badass by my definition, good by some other people's..who cares?!)

anyway, keep doing this, ur gonna get a lot of criticism no doubt, and i'm sure that'll only drive you forward :D
smile? come on!

rock on, del, and then some.
oh, and Ramadan Kareem!

Anonymous said...

Not feeling so smug now, are we?
This was one of the worst posts I ever read! and you have the nerve to complain about other people's writings?!? You couldn't cut throught this article with a chainsaw....I hate to resort to low-brow metaphors like geese and whatnot, so I'll just say this article sucks.

Anonymous said...

You are a wonderful blogger. This wasnt your best. When angry, dont post! Read it next day, then decide.


Anonymous said...

I feel like I just wasted 5 precious minutes of my life. I want them back. I could have used them for anything. Even reading about frogs on Iraqi rocker's page would have been much more fruitful.

Anonymous said...

a very incoherent and poorly written post. you need to exercise discretion when posting esp since you have such high expectations of others. are you even reviewing anything specifically?

Unknown said...

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